stuff i did in the past. i'm uploading collaborative works under 3630 now.
- life is the flower (2023): 16P DGS albert/barok copybon.
- 2022 hallowzine (2022): 20P original collab anthology (it was two people).
- everyone's semester of anthropology (2022): 16P danganronpa korekiyo copybon.
- you have 183 new messages! (2021): 6p ace attorney copybon.
- the fantastic fireman! (2021): 40~p sideM shinsoku ikkon dojinshi.
- touchdown (2022): 40~p eyeshield 21 zine. graphics, formatting, art, etc.
- sideM international flowerstand (2019): art for shinsoku ikkon, sem, f-lags, legenders.